Regular Meeting of Council


Council Chambers
89 Loveys Street East
Hickson, Ontario, N0J 1L0
Members Present:
  • Mayor Phil Schaefer
  • Deputy Mayor Brad Smith
  • Councillor Scott Rudy
  • Councillor Steven Van Wyk
  • Councillor Scott Zehr
  • Councillor Matthew Gillespie
  • Councillor Jeremy Smith
Staff Present:
  • CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest
  • Clerk Will Jaques
  • Public Works Manager Tom Lightfoot
  • CBO John Scherer

Mayor Schaefer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Councillor Smith advised that June is Bike Month.  Further, Councillor Smith noted that summer officially arrives on June 20, with the full "Strawberry Moon" arriving on June 21.  It was noted that June 21 is also National Indigenous Peoples Day.  Lastly, the Innerkip and District Lions Club are hosting their annual Canada Day Weekend event from Friday June 28 to Sunday June 30.

Mayor Schaefer provided a reminder that the Township is hosting an open house on June 20 regarding the Secondary Plan project.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council approve the agenda for the June 19, 2024 meeting, as printed and circulated. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that Council confirm the Minutes of the June 5, 2024, Council Meeting, as printed and circulated.


At 7:06 p.m., Council, constituted as the Committee of Adjustment, considered Minor Variance Application #A-1-2024 for Greg and Dawn Zehr (agent Daryl Bender).  Planner Dustin Robson presented Planning Report #CP2024-187. 

Members of the Committee asked questions of the Planner and Staff. The applicant and their agent were present for the hearing and spoke favourably of the application. The Committee considered the comments made in making its decision regarding this application.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that Council, constituted as the Committee of Adjustment, approve Application File A-1-2024, submitted by Daryl Bender on behalf of Greg and Dawn Zehr. for lands described as Part Lot 36, Concession 14 (East Zorra) in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock as it relates to:


    1. Relief from Section, to increase the maximum gross floor area for residential
    accessory buildings from 293 m2 (3,154 ft2) to 461 m2 (4,960 ft2); and,

    2. Relief from Section, to increase the maximum height for a residential accessory
    building from 5.8 m (19 ft) to 7.6 m (25 ft).


    As the variance requested is considered to be:
    i) in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan;
    ii) minor variances from the provisions of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Zoning By-Law #2003-18;
    iii) desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure; and,
    iv) in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock
    Zoning By-Law #2003-18.

    Against (7)Phil Schaefer, Brad Smith, Scott Rudy, Steven Van Wyk, Scott Zehr, Matthew Gillespie, and Jeremy Smith

    DEFEATED (0 to 7)

At 7:31 pm, Marcus Ryan, Oxford County Warden and Chair of the Safe and Well Oxford Steering Committee and Sarah Hamulecki, co-lead of the Safe and Well Oxford Steering Committee, attended the meeting to provide an update on the Safe and Well Oxford Plan, as well as discuss the proposed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Charter.   

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council accept the presentation regarding the current status of the Safe and Well Oxford Plan and the implementation of its initiatives, including the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Charter, as information;

    And that staff be directed to review the DEI Charter document that has been drafted and report back to Council on the feasibility of implementing all of the various provisions that the proposed DEI Charter includes.


Council reviewed the correspondence from Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. regarding required Development Charges By-law amendments, as a result of the recent passing of Bill 185.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    Resolved that the correspondence from Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. be received as information.


CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest reviewed her report with Council regarding updates to the EZTransit Pilot Program. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that Staff Report CAO2024-05 be received for information;

    And that Staff are authorized to amend the transit program schedule to reflect the Tuesday to Friday routes provided in said report;

    And further that Staff adopt a user fee rate of $5.00 per entry onto the bus for users 13 years of age and older.


CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest reviewed her monthly CAO-Treasury report with Council.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council accept Staff Report CAO2024-06 as information.


Clerk Will Jaques reviewed his report with Council regarding the process ahead for setting up the Oxford Rural Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Joint Board.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Whereas, the Province of Ontario passed the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68), which established the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA, 2019), on March 26, 2019; and,

    Whereas, the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA, 2019), was proclaimed on April 1, 2024; and,

    Whereas the Ministry of the Solicitor General has approved the creation of a joint, Oxford Rural Police Services Detachment Board, governing Blandford-Blenheim Township, East Zorra-Tavistock Township, Norwich Township, South-West Oxford Township, Zorra Township; and,

    Whereas the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Board must be established and formalized; and,

    Whereas the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Board will be composed of one elected official from each of the participating municipalities, one jointly appointed Community Member, and one Provincial Appointee;

    Now Therefore, Council hereby appoints Councillor Matthew Gillespie to represent the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock on the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Board; and,

    That an ad-hoc selection committee, herein known as the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Police Services Board Community Appointee Selection Committee, be formed to select and appoint the required community representative to the Joint Board for a two-year period to rotate through the area municipalities in alphabetical order; and, 

    That the same Member of Council appointed to the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Board be appointed to the Oxford Rural Detachment Joint Board Community Appointee Selection Committee; and,

    That Council supports Blandford-Blenheim advertising for one Community Appointee. 


  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that By-law 2024-25 be read a first and second time.

  • Moved by:Steven Van Wyk
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    Resolved that By-law 2024-25 be read a third and final time.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that By-law 2024-26 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council held Wednesday June 19, 2024, be read a first, second and third time this 19th day of June, 2024;

    And further that the Mayor and Clerk and hereby authorized to sign the same and affix the corporate seal thereto.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that Council does now adjourn at 9:37 pm