Regular Meeting of Council


Council Chambers
89 Loveys Street East
Hickson, Ontario, N0J 1L0
Members Present:
  • Mayor Phil Schaefer
  • Deputy Mayor Brad Smith
  • Councillor Scott Rudy
  • Councillor Steven Van Wyk
  • Councillor Scott Zehr
  • Councillor Matthew Gillespie
  • Councillor Jeremy Smith
Staff Present:
  • Clerk Will Jaques
  • CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest
  • Corporate Initiatives Officer/Deputy Clerk Meaghan Vader
  • Public Works Manager Tom Lightfoot
  • Fire Chief Scott Alexander
  • CBO John Scherer
  • Human Resources/Health and Safety Officer Jennifer Albrecht

Mayor Schaefer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Councillor Smith advised that May is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, with May 5 being the National Day of Missing and/or Murdered Indigenous Women's Day (also known as Red Dress Day). May 16 is Moose Hide Campaign Day. 

Deputy Mayor Smith noted that the Hickson Lions Club's annual Victoria Day Weekend fireworks display will be held on Sunday May 19.  A special thank you was offered to the Hickson Firefighters for their volunteer contributions to the event. 

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council approve the agenda for the May 15, 2024 meeting, as printed and circulated.

  • Moved by:Scott Rudy
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that Council confirm the Minutes of the May 1, 2024, Council Meeting, as printed and circulated.


Members of the Hickson Lions Club attended the meeting to present a cheque in the amount of $10,000 as a donation toward the Community Room at the new Township Administration Building. 

The Hickson Lions Club also presented a cheque in the amount of $500.00 towards 2024 Tree Planting. 

  • Brad Smith declared a conflict on this item.

Council reviewed the correspondence from the Hickson Lions Club requesting Municipal Significance when applying for their liquor license, for the annual Lions Daze event. 

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that Council designates the Hickson Lions Club - Lions Daze as "Municipally Significant".

  • Brad Smith declared a conflict on this item.

Council reviewed the correspondence from the Hickson Lions Club requesting Municipal Significance when applying for their liquor license, for the upcoming New Zealand National Team Games, on July 3, 2024.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that Council designates the Hickson Lions Club - New Zealand National Team Games as "Municipally Significant".


Council reviewed the correspondence from the Municipality of Huron Shores regarding urging the government to promptly resume the assessment cycle.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    That the Council of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock supports the Municipality of Huron Shores resolution #24-12-02 Urging the Government to Promptly Resume Assessment Cycle;  

    And that the Council of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock hereby calls upon the Premier to promptly resume the assessment cycle to ensure the stability and predictability of property taxes while the Government conducts its review of the property assessment and taxation system, or respond with an alternative method for every municipality in Ontario to achieve fair taxation;

    And further that a copy of this resolution be sent to MPP Ernie Hardeman, the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Finance, and all Ontario Municipalities. 


Public Works Manager Tom Lightfoot presented his report to Council regarding illegal dumping in the Township.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    That Council endorse the placement of “No Dumping” signs along Township owned roads connecting to Oxford Road #17.

    And that staff complete social media posts as public information regarding illegal dumping within the Township road right-of-ways.


Corporate Initiatives Officer Meaghan Vader presented her report to Council regarding amendments to the Booking Requirements at Township Facilities, as well as the addition of Same Day Ice to the User Fee Schedule.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    That Council adopt the updated Booking Requirements at Township Facilities, as attached to Staff Report CIO2024-08;

    And that Council authorizes the updated Booking Requirements at Township Facilities be effective as of May 16, 2024.

    And further that Council authorizes a fee for Same Day Ice be added to the User Fee Schedule at a rate of 75% of the prevailing rate at the time of booking.


CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest reviewed her monthly CAO-Treasurer report with Council.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    That Report CAO2024-04 be received for information.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    Resolved that By-law #2024-19 be read a first and second time.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that By-law #2024-19 be read a third and final time.


Council reviewed the reporting statistics for the trial period (February to May, 2024) of EZTransit.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that Council extend the EZTransit pilot project for an additional 30 days, to June 30, 2024;

    And that a further report be brought to Council at their June 19, 2024 meeting with updated route and fee information.


Council discussed the infrastructure/servicing requirements of the proposed Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (SABE) lands, as part of the Secondary Plan Project.  While Oxford County is currently undertaking a series of studies and plans regarding both water and wastewater future requirements, staff clarified that future development of any of the SABE lands brought into existing settlement areas in Tavistock and Innerkip may require additional infrastructure planning and construction.

Councillor Smith provided a review of his attendance at the annual Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) conference, held May 1-3, 2024, in Orillia.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    Resolved that Council does now adjourn to a Closed to the Public Session, at 9:37 pm.


March 20, 2024, Closed to the Public Session Minutes (s. 239 (2) (c))


A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (S.239(2)(c)) - Property in Hickson


Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (S.239(2)b)) - Human Resources Matter


Council returned to Open to the Public Session at 11:41 pm.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that By-law #2024-20 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council held Wednesday May 15, 2024, be read a first, second and third time this 15th day of May, 2024;

    And that the Mayor and Clerk and hereby authorized to sign the same and affix the corporate seal thereto.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Steven Van Wyk

    Resolved that Council does now adjourn at 11:43 pm.