Regular Meeting of Council


Council Chambers
89 Loveys Street East
Hickson, Ontario, N0J 1L0
Members Present:
  • Mayor Phil Schaefer
  • Deputy Mayor Brad Smith
  • Councillor Scott Rudy
  • Councillor Scott Zehr
  • Councillor Matthew Gillespie
  • Councillor Jeremy Smith
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Steven Van Wyk
Staff Present:
  • CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest
  • Corporate Initiatives Manager/Clerk Meaghan Vader
  • Community and Recreation Manager Will Jaques
  • Public Works Manager Tom Lightfoot
  • CBO John Scherer
  • Corporate and Buidling Services Clerk Ashley Gerencser
  • Human Resources/Health and Safety Officer Jennifer Albrecht

Mayor Schaefer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Mayor Schaefer noted that he had the pleasure of attending the Hickson Lions Club 50th Anniversary Dinner, on October 15th. Deputy Mayor Brad Smith received the Melvin Jones Award, recognizing tireless work towards the Lions Club and community.

Councillor Jeremy Smith acknowledged that October is Circular Economy Month, with this years theme on the safe and proper disposal of batteries. Oxford County is welcoming safe disposal of batteries at the Oxford County Administration Building and Waste Management Facilities. Other drop off locations are available throughout Oxford County.  

Councillor Smith also noted that November is Oxford Reads, the annual community wide reading initiative celebrating Canadian literature, hosted by the Oxford County Library and the Woodstock Public Library. This years selection is Everyone in this Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin. The Oxford Reads Gala is Friday November 8th; free registration is now open. 

Councillor Smith also noted that the Innerkip Lions will roll out their annual fall food drive on Sunday October 20th.  The Lions train will run in Innerkip between 1:00pm - 4:00pm, collecting non perishables, clothing, and more. The Innerkip Lions also host their Fall Fish Fry Drive Thru on Saturday November 2nd

Councillor Scott Zehr shared that both the Tavistock and Hickson Fire Stations had a preview of the new People Care Building. He noted that residents are schedule to begin moving in at the end of October, and encourages everyone to pay them a visit to see the state of the art building.  

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    THAT Council approve the agenda for the October 16, 2024 meeting as printed and circulated. 

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    THAT Council confirm the Minutes of the October 2, 2024, Council Meeting, as printed and circulated.

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    THAT Correspondence for Information items 7.a., and 7.b. be received as information. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    THAT the correspondence from Oxford County regarding Automated Speed Enforcement be received as information. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Rudy

    THAT Council receive the Rural Oxford Economic Development Corporation's June to September 2024 Activity Report as information. 

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    THAT the correspondence from ROMA regarding the 2025 ROMA Conference be received as information. 

    AND THAT the following members of Council and staff be appointed to represent the Township at the 2025 ROMA Conference.

    • Mayor Phil Schaefer
    • Councillor Jeremy Smith
    • Councillor Scott Zehr
    • CAO Karen DePrest


Community and Recreation Services Manager, Will Jaques reviewed his report with Council regarding the Recreation Advisory Committee's Project Priority Setting results. 

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    THAT Report CRSM-2024-01 be received for information.

    AND THAT resolutions 1, 2 and 3 of the October 2, 2024 Recreation Advisory Committee be referred to the 2025 Operating and Capital Budget process for inclusion and Council’s further consideration at that time.


CAO/Treasurer, Karen DePrest reviewed her monthly CAO-Treasury report with Council.

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    THAT Report CAO2024-09 be received as information.

    AND THAT Council authorize staff to apply for the Housing-Enabling Core Servicing Stream Grant program for the reconstruction of Bridge #005 on the 13th Line as part of the upcoming 2025 Public Works Capital Budget.



  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    THAT By-law #2024-40 be read a first and second time.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    THAT By-law #2024-40 be read a third and final time. 


Corporate Initiatives Manager/Clerk, Meaghan Vader provided an update. 

CAO Karen DePrest provided an update. It was noted that historically, there is no past history of the Township contributing to these campaigns. Council provided staff direction to remove the Stratford Hospital Foundation In Our Hearts Capital Campaign from Unfinished Business. Council provided further direction for staff to follow up with a letter notifying the Foundation that the Township is not currently in a position to contribute to the campaign. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    THAT the meeting does now adjourn to a Closed to the Public Session at 8:40pm.


July 3, 2024 Closed Session Meeting Minutes


September 18, 2024 Closed Session Meeting Minutes


Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (s.239(2)(b)) - CAO Performance Review


Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (s.239(2)(e)) - Contracted Services


A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (s.239(2)(c)) - Properties in Hickson


A matter in respect of which a council, board, committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act (s.239(2)(g)) - Municipal Accountability Officer Services, Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator - Retainer Agreement


Council reconvened to the Open to the Public Session at 10:37pm.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the retainer agreement with Aird Berelis for Municipal Accountability Officer Services, Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator. 

  • Moved by:Matthew Gillespie
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    THAT Council set the reserve bid amount for 90 Loveys Street in accordance with Closed Session Item c. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    THAT By-law #2024-41 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council held October 16, 2024, be read a first, second and third time this 16 day of October, 2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the same and affix the corporate seal thereto.

  • Moved by:Scott Rudy
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    THAT Council does now adjourn at 10:43pm.