Regular Meeting of Council


Council Chambers
89 Loveys Street East
Hickson, Ontario, N0J 1L0
Members Present:
  • Mayor Phil Schaefer
  • Deputy Mayor Brad Smith
  • Councillor Scott Zehr
  • Councillor Matthew Gillespie
  • Councillor Jeremy Smith
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Scott Rudy
  • Councillor Steven Van Wyk
Staff Present:
  • Clerk Will Jaques
  • CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest
  • Corporate Initiatives Officer/Deputy Clerk Meaghan Vader
  • CBO John Scherer
  • Human Resources/Health and Safety Officer Jennifer Albrecht

Mayor Schaefer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Deputy Mayor Smith advised that the Hickson Lions Club are hosting their annual brunch in the park on Sunday June 9, 2024. 

Councillor Smith advised that the week of June 3 - 9, 2024 is Local Food Week in Ontario.  Councillor Smith also noted that Domestic Abuse Services Oxford (DASO) is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with an open house on June 5, 2024.  Lastly, Councillor Smith spoke to the flag raisings throughout Oxford County on May 31, 2024, as part of Pride Month. 

Mayor Schaefer noted that the World Crokinole Championships took place in Tavistock on Saturday June 1, 2024, with many national and international attendees.

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council approve the agenda for the June 5, 2024 meeting, as printed and circulated. 

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council confirm the Minutes of the May 15, 2024, Council Meeting, as printed and circulated.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that Council does now adjourn to a Public Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act at 9:21 am.


Dustin Robson from the County of Oxford Planning Department was present to comment on his report #CP2024-155, regarding the Zone Change Application on lands owned by 2143559 Ontario Inc.

Council asked questions of the planner and Staff. The applicant was present and spoke favourably of their application. Council reviewed and considered the comments made in making its decision regarding this application.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    Resolved that the Public Meeting does now adjourn and Council reconvenes at 9:26 am.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that Council approve the Zone Change Application submitted by 2143559 Ontario Inc., whereby lands described as Part Lot 8, Concession 16 (East Zorra), Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, are to be rezoned from ‘Agri-Business Zone (AB)’ to ‘Special Agri-Business Zone (AB-sp).’

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that Council accept the correspondence from the County of Oxford regarding the Curbside Waste Collection Program, as information.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that Council adopt the updated Municipal Alcohol Policy, as attached to Staff Report CIO2024-09;

    And that Council authorizes the updated Municipal Alcohol Policy be effective as of June 6, 2024;

    And further that any events already booked under the terms and conditions of the policy prior to this update be permitted to occur.

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that the following By-laws be read a first and second time.

  • Moved by:Brad Smith
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    Resolved that the following By-laws be read a third and final time. 


CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest advised that a staff report will be brought to Council at the June 19, 2024 meeting with an action plan for the summer, with a further staff report brought to Council in September to set out an action plan for the fall of 2024.

CAO-Treasurer Karen DePrest advised that the Strategic Plan consultant is finalizing the work regarding the responses received as part of the public engagement process.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Jeremy Smith

    Resolved that Council adjourn to a Closed to the Public Session at 10:01 am


May 15, 2024 Closed to the Public Session Minutes


Staff Report CAO2024-05 - Proposed Acquisition of Lands - Hickson


Council Reconvened to the Open to the Public Session at 10:32 am. 

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Scott Zehr

    Resolved that Council authorize staff to proceed with the recommendation included in Staff Report #CAO2024-05.

  • Moved by:Scott Zehr
    Seconded by:Brad Smith

    Resolved that By-law #2024-24, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council held Wednesday June 5, 2024, be read a first, second and third time this 5th day of June, 2024;

    And further that the Mayor and Clerk and hereby authorized to sign the same and affix the corporate seal thereto.

  • Moved by:Jeremy Smith
    Seconded by:Matthew Gillespie

    Resolved that Council does now adjourn at 10:35 am.